In 2009, The Junior League of Macon, Inc. made the decision to focus its mission on improving literacy and school readiness through school partnerships, education, fundraising, advocacy and hands-on projects. During the 2024-2025 League year, we are continuing our focus on literacy through various library events.
Making a meaningful impact in our community begins with providing resources and encouragement to our community members. The Junior League of Macon partners with Brookdale Resource Center to host various literacy-focused events.
A primary focus of the Junior League of Macon is developing the potential of women. Did you know that 1 in 3 low-income women report missing work, school, or similar events due to lack of access to period supplies? The Junior League of Macon has partnered with Macon Periods Easier to collect menstrual products and end period poverty in Central Georgia so women can feel confident and able to reach their full potential.